As I am writing this post, I just added a book to my shopping cart on Amazon. And I am currently reading 2 and still have others to get to. Overspending on books can quickly become a reality if you love to read. It is one thing to love books and it is another to break the bank buying books! A few dollars here and there quickly add up. And by the time you …
Let’s Celebrate All The Fathers In Our Lives
Father's Day is this Sunday, June 16 in the US and in many other parts of the world. On this day, we honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in society. For those whose fathers have passed away, Father's Day can be bittersweet. In fact, it is a reminder of all the good times; a reminder of the times you will never …
Let’s Talk About It
Like so many people, the tragic deaths of Fashion Designer, Kate Spade and Famous Chef, Anthony Bourdain have affected me in a way I cannot even put into words. And if I, someone who does not know them personally and is not related to them in any way, feel this way, I can’t even imagine what’s going through their family and friends’ minds right now. It …
Podcasts I am currently loving!
In addition to reading, I enjoy listening to podcasts as a way of educating myself. There is so much to learn from listening to people share their expertise on areas of interest to you. Personally, the topics I constantly want to learn more about include: Personal Development (all aspects of it) Career Entrepreneurship Finances Real …
Some of my Favorite Success and Motivational Quotes
Success - the one word that summarizes what the majority, if not all of us, want in order to consider our lives meaningful . However, during this journey to success, we all have days when we need a push from someone - Days when we need someone to tell us "You've got this"; "You can do it"; "Everything will be alright"; or "Keep pushing". I know I do. And …