September 8th is International Literacy Day. This annual celebration is an opportunity to highlight improvements in world literacy rates. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the remaining challenges. The UNESCO proclaimed September 8th as International Literacy Day in 1966. Most specifically, this occurred at the 14th session of their October 26, …
10 Motivational Books To Read This Fall
Fall is around the corner. And before we know it, we will enter the last quarter of 2018. Also, it will be time to start setting up goals for 2019. In fact, towards the end of last year, most of us set goals for 2018; and maybe put a vision board together; I know I did. Furthermore, we went back and revised/updated our goals. And in the process, we removed …
Books I’ve Read So Far This Year
This post is way overdue as I was planning to write it mid-year, so technically in June. But hey better late than never! I don't know about you, but I can't believe it is already August! Where does time go? This is yet another reminder that we must be intentional in life in general. In fact, time keeps on going whether we are keeping up with it or not; …
5 Ways To Raise Our Children To Be Readers
There is absolutely no doubt that the best way to turn our children into readers and book lovers is to start early. In fact, according to the Read-Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease, books contain many words that children are unlikely to encounter frequently in spoken language. Children’s books actually contain 50% more rare words than prime …
Why I Started Blogging
We all have something to share. We just do it in different ways based on our personality, what we are comfortable with, where God calls us and ultimately how He uses us! First, expressing my feelings and thoughts in writing has always been my thing! In fact, growing up, I would journal about pretty much everything you can think of: how my day went, my …