I have heard this question a few times, and wanted to share my thoughts in this post. So here we go: I think listening to an audio book is the same as reading a paper book or an eBook; it is just a different experience. Here are 3 reasons why: We are consuming the same information We read to learn something new, increase our knowledge of a …
5 ways to come out of this season a better version of ourselves.
The entire world has come to an abrupt stop as a result of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Between social distancing, stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders, the way we live and go about our days has been impacted like never before. There are no sports events to attend; no happy hours with colleagues (unless you are doing the virtual ones); …
We all grieve differently and that’s okay
It is December 16th, 2018, I’m sitting at the restaurant of a New York City hotel waiting to head to the airport to catch my flight to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. As I’m sitting there eating breakfast with my son while my husband steps out to go run a quick errand, I’m on the phone texting back and forth with my brother. He was at the clinic where my dad had …
How are you doing with your 2018 reading goals?
Hello Great Minds! I’ve been missing in action for the past few weeks, but I’m back to check in with you all and see how you are doing with your 2018 reading goals. I can’t believe it’s already mid-November and that 2018 will end next month. It feels like we were just setting goals and working on vision boards not a long time ago, right? Yet another …
Paper books, eBooks or Audio books?
A couple of years ago, this question was not even relevant. We only had one option: paper books. Fast forward to a few years later, and there are so many options. We no longer have a reason to not read. So how do you like your books? Are you more paper, eBooks or audio books? I personally still lean more towards paper. But I realize that there are pros …