When you pick up a book, do you have a hard time immersing yourself in it? Do you pick up a book and end up spending weeks or even months trying to finish it? Do you feel tired or even fall asleep when you open a book? If your answer is yes to any or all of these questions, there is probably something you need to change. Reading should not feel like a …
10000 Reasons To Read
How are you doing with your 2018 reading goals?
Hello Great Minds! I’ve been missing in action for the past few weeks, but I’m back to check in with you all and see how you are doing with your 2018 reading goals. I can’t believe it’s already mid-November and that 2018 will end next month. It feels like we were just setting goals and working on vision boards not a long time ago, right? Yet another …
Paper books, eBooks or Audio books?
A couple of years ago, this question was not even relevant. We only had one option: paper books. Fast forward to a few years later, and there are so many options. We no longer have a reason to not read. So how do you like your books? Are you more paper, eBooks or audio books? I personally still lean more towards paper. But I realize that there are pros …
5 Ways To Raise Our Children To Be Readers
There is absolutely no doubt that the best way to turn our children into readers and book lovers is to start early. In fact, according to the Read-Aloud Handbook, by Jim Trelease, books contain many words that children are unlikely to encounter frequently in spoken language. Children’s books actually contain 50% more rare words than prime …
6 Ways To Avoid Overspending On Books
As I am writing this post, I just added a book to my shopping cart on Amazon. And I am currently reading 2 and still have others to get to. Overspending on books can quickly become a reality if you love to read. It is one thing to love books and it is another to break the bank buying books! A few dollars here and there quickly add up. And by the time you …